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5 Strategies That Will Get IT Recruiters to Notice You

ITI Resource Placement’s team shares a few of its secrets to help you stand out.

1. Be visible

Social networks, and especially LinkedIn, are now an essential part of IT candidate recruitment. Making sure your profile is up to date and well researched is one of the first things you can do to advance your IT career. Go a step further by adding examples of completed projects and an introduction that represents you well. And why not ask for recommendations from colleagues or partners too? Recruiters love to know how others perceive you.

Give your resume some love and prepare a cover letter that you can edit quickly and adapt to each position that interests you. Finally, be ready to respond quickly to a job offer.

2. Let people know you are open for new opportunities

If you can do so without hurting your relationship with your current employer, be vocal about being interested in a new IT job.

Update your LinkedIn profile to let people know you are actively looking for a job, and get in touch with people in your network who could help you in your search. Your chances of being noticed by an IT recruiter increase greatly if your name circulates widely throughout your network!

3. Make social media work for you

Time to be proactive! Send connection requests to people who might be able to help you get the kind of job you want, but make sure you introduce yourself well. LinkedIn allows you to see the relationships you have in common, which can be a good starting point for breaking the ice. Virtual networking can be very beneficial for your IT career. LinkedIn even offers paying options that will let you see who viewed your profile, for example, if you want to take this strategy even further.

There is a multitude of themed groups out there. Find the ones that suit you, such as the Réseau des pros en TI, then do some research based on your IT expertise, areas of interest or training and post something that showcases your knowledge of the industry. Voilà… There’s a good chance that your name will appear in the news feed of an IT recruiter!

4. Put yourself in the recruiter’s shoes

Here is a simple trick for writing a powerful cover letter or resume: Picture yourself as the recruiter receiving your application. What would this person want to see? What questions might come up when looking at your profile?

Connect your expertise and experience to the description of the IT job to be filled, and introduce yourself in a clear, concise and efficient manner. Your name is sure to stand out from among the other IT candidates.

5. Send spontaneous applications

Many companies welcome your resume, even if no IT jobs are posted at the time. That’s the case with ITI Resource Placement!

Make sure your resume clearly showcases your technical and people skills and you are sure to be in the company’s IT recruiters’ mind as soon as an opportunity arises!

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