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The future of recruiting

Recruitment methods have changed a lot in recent years, with more changes on the horizon. You don’t need a crystal ball to realize that the latest technological innovations and the current labour shortage are moving us toward a world of Recruitment 3.0.

Good recruiters don’t wait for resumés to show up in their inbox. In 2017 recruiters have to be 3.0, which means mastering LinkedIn and all the other platforms that make it easy to get in touch with candidates anytime, anywhere. In the era of Recruitment 3.0, everyone is viewed as a potential candidate, and many hires are sourced. The most pressing challenge for recruiters is to find and start a conversation with people who haven’t applied yet and have the right profile or meet the criteria for the job.1 That’s why, as a recruiter, you simply can’t afford to be shy. You need to be well-versed in the kinds of techniques used to approach people in marketing and sales. Your number one goal is to make people want to work for your organization.

ITI and online recruiting

The hiring process is being dematerialized2 and the use of online platforms and video tools is growing among recruiters. Indeed, these days it’s hard to be proactive on the job market without them. There are a number of tools and platforms out there that add innovative new elements to the hiring process and allow recruiters to improve the overall recruitment experience.


True to form, ProContact is innovating when it comes to recruitment. On November 16, we’ll be on hand for a hiring day at the Salon virtuel de l’emploi de la Capitale-Nationale et Chaudière-Appalaches virtual job fair. This innovative fair is available on computers, smartphones, and tablets. It’s an online platform that recreates a traditional job fair in 3D and puts visitors and employers in contact regardless of their physical location. It’s a chance to meet our recruitment experts and advisors and discuss the benefits and opportunities at ProContact using the live chat and video conferencing systems available for the event.


Can’t make it on November 16? Not to worry. Our booth will be open and available (minus the virtual meetings and live chat feature) from November 17 to 30, 2017. Drop by for exclusive content and the chance to apply for a job at ProContact.

Stay tuned by following us on social media (LinkedIn, Facebook).

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