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When it comes to phishing, is your organization an easy prey?

Quebec has seen its share of high-profile security incidents lately, and in most cases the initial source of infection has been an innocuous-looking but malicious email. With cyberattacks on the rise, organizations are beefing up their security mechanisms and IT practices, with the result that in the IT security chain, humans are now often the weakest link.

Did you know that 60% of all cybersecurity incidents result from human errors made by people who are uninformed or caught off guard by hacking techniques?

According to incident data compiled by the cybersecurity industry, 20% to 30% of your colleagues and partners will click on a link in a fraudulent email at least once in their lives.

Don’t wait to fall prey to phishing. Talk to your employees today.

We offer turnkey phishing services to check and measure how savvy your employees are in dealing with a phishing campaign.

Our customized campaigns can meet the specific needs of your organization by:

  • Defining the type of phishing campaign
  • Using standardized or personalized email templates
  • Personalizing campaign elements (look and feel of site, email content, etc.)
  • Purchasing a domain name/TLS certificate close to that of your business
  • Letting you select the send dates and frequency

Our phishing test services can be used to run a regular or sophisticated phishing campaign with variable levels of difficulty for users, from amateur attacks (obvious mistakes, throwaway domain) to professional campaigns (customized targeted emails, domain name close to that of your company). Our proven approach will also provide you with indicators you can use to build awareness among managers and employees and help everyone gain a better understanding of the security risks when you use IT.

Be proactive! Contact us to learn about our phishing test services.

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