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ITI’s Methodology to Modern Data Analytics

Our core consulting services and modern approach are designed to simplify and accelerate your Business Intelligence (BI) and Analytics journey.

Working with ITI, you’ll become experts on understanding what data is available to you, which business processes can benefit most, and how your team can capitalize on that wealth of data and knowledge.

BI and analytics roadmap strategy

The first step is a big one and the most important to evaluating cost and risk assessment before embarking on your journey. ITI’s experts work with yours to thoroughly understand your core business objectives and technologies, ensure strategic alliance, and discern real opportunities where analytics will help you achieve more, faster.

BI and Analytics Roadmap Strategy
ITI’s approach to a roadmap strategy
Data collection and use case definition

To better understand how and where analytics can help your business, we hold a series of interviews and workshops with your key stakeholders to ensure the project captures your vision and truly meets your needs.​

Discovery, profiling and cross-examination of data sources​

After defining the use cases, we complete a full technical analysis to determine the available and applicable data sources (both internal and external), and how the data will be used to achieve your desired results.

Bi roadmap ​and strategy assessment​

In order to allow you to evaluate costs and avoid potential pitfalls, we develop a strategic BI and Analytics roadmap with clear steps to implement your strategy and achieve your return on investment.

Analytics engineering foundations

A successful migration leverages best-in-class tools for orchestration and transformation. ITI’s experts develop automated analytics workflows that load your data sources into cloud data storage, creating a single source of truth and ensuring performant and secure queries for all BI requirements.​

Analytics Engineering Foundations
ITI’s approach to successful migration
Cloud data storage configuration and loading

In order to centralize all the data you need ​so your team can deliver better ​insights faster, we define your technical requirements for data models, connection and extraction capabilities, cloud data storage configuration, operationalization and training.

Data transformation​

With validated data sets, we develop analytics workflows that deliver the right data models for your business. This includes data modeling, data cleansing and filtering, data enriching and data aggregation.

BI tool configuration

Security first: Our specialists test and validate authentication, permissions and customization so that only authorized people can view or modify your data.

Visualization & advanced analytics

This is where the science and art of BI and analytics combine to bring your data to life and empower your decision makers, revealing powerful insights to better serve customers and optimize operations.

Visualization & Advanced Analytics
ITI’s approach to visualization & advanced analytics
Advanced analytics modeling

This essential step leverages data science to learn from patterns within the data, providing hidden insights to business questions. Use cases include predictive modeling, projecting customer actions in the sales funnel, clustering models for natural segmentation, and optimization techniques.

Visualization and dashboard construction

To move the needle for your business, results must be communicated effectively. Interactive BI tools allow you to make better data-informed decisions. Our visualization specialists help with wireframing specific views targeting KPIs and outcomes, and design custom dashboards to answer key questions relating to your business case and to empower users with self-service capabilities and real-time alerts.​

Functionality and adoption testing

Your benefits will be proportional to your adoption rate. That’s why we meet with key business stakeholders to showcase several practical user scenarios, gather feedback and revise where necessary.

Bring out the best in your data and your people

With a Business Intelligence and Analytics practice, your organization will thrive with a single version of the truth. From more intelligent business decisions and improved collaboration to operational efficiencies and the cost benefits of cloud, you’ll be in position to outpace and outperform the competition.

Start your BI and Analytics Journey

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