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Marie-Gaëlle Lacasse

Vice-President — Talent and Culture

3 years at ITI Listen Advise Grow

Marie-Gaëlle exudes a genuine warmth that makes her instantly endearing. If ITI aims to humanize IT, then Marie-Gaëlle humanizes HR by perfectly embodying the vision of a company that puts people first.

What inspired you to work in the field of IT?

I chose ITI before I chose IT!

After years in human resources for a retail chain, I wanted to work for a service company, but in a fast-moving environment. ITI is growing quickly, and that is a really positive thing for an HR team! At ITI, I can weave together my expertise and my desire to push myself. And I particularly love the fact that ITI is all about people. I’m also naturally curious, and I like to learn about new technological tools that improve the way we work.

How would you describe ITI to a new talent who wants to join the team?

ITI is a really stimulating place to work, and we have many ongoing flagship projects. We constantly need people who are ready to create and embody change on a daily basis. I find it really stimulating to contribute to a wide variety of projects, to have our HR expertise called upon in so many different ways.

More than that, we’re digital transformation leaders. Once you start working in the field of IT, you realize that it’s a small world and that everyone knows ITI!

What role do humans play in technology?

There is increasing talk about artificial intelligence (AI) potentially replacing human beings. I am, however, convinced that the human element will always be an integral part of technology. Our best protection against AI’s ethical conundrums is our humanity. And that’s our vision at ITI: we are first and foremost humans who support other humans by leveraging technology.

Our best protection against AI’s ethical conundrums is our humanity. And that’s our vision at ITI: we are first and foremost humans who support other humans by leveraging technology.

What motivates you to get up and work in the morning?

I chose to work in this field because I love helping people. Human resources is about helping people, managers and the company. And at ITI, we have fun doing it!

I also like to help my team grow. I think we are a bit like ITI’s heart monitor. We take the company’s pulse in real time, and we do what we need to maintain its organizational health. HR sometimes gets bad press, but that’s a shame, because we’re really here to ensure that our team evolves in a healthy and positive work environment.

Where do you see ITI in 2027?

ITI continues to develop throughout Canada and to consolidate its position in Quebec. I have no doubt we’ll reach our goals, because we’re in a good position.

When it comes to HR, I work with my team to ensure that ITI is recognized as an employer of choice, with innovative HR practices. We do that not to brag, but because we want people to feel good about working at ITI. I’m confident that our focus on people will attract the right talent. Collaboration is in our blood. It’s so rewarding to work with people who are both competent and genuine.

I’m confident that our focus on people will attract the right talent. Collaboration is in our blood. It’s so rewarding to work with people who are both competent and genuine.

Looking forward, we’ll continue to focus on empowering people and bringing our culture to life. We will continue to listen our employees and adapt to their various realities. We’re going to continue to rely on our solid foundations to craft a powerful employee experience.

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