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Intelligent Growth

The expansion phase started by ITI rests on the human qualities of our employees, but also on a unique combination of skills and experience.

Among those who joined the company recently, many play a strategic role in achieving our goals.

A rich background…

In addition to their personal qualities, Andrew Sutherland, Mark Pilon, and Thierry Geoffroy-Laflamme bring along a valuable professional experience and a proven expertise that will complete the skillsets of our teams.

Andrew’s ventures on a national scale are of particular interest. “I grew up in Ottawa, I have family in Cape Breton, and I spent some time in Vancouver. On a professional level, I contributed to the growth of a few businesses, one of which went so well that it ended up being acquired by a large telco. I can see the roadmap for ITI and I’m looking forward to taking our expertise across the country!”

“I’ve been in IT for over 20 years, says Mark, both with resellers and with manufacturers. During this time, I’ve been fortunate enough to work across all verticals and markets throughout Canada with some of the most disruptive technology. Having been on both sides brings many advantages on how to better partner with vendors and clients to ensure success, and I’m eager to put that experience to good use with ITI.”

As for Thierry, he went from certifications to promotions in large telcos and, more recently, for a well-known IT equipment manufacturer. “Through various roles and successful projects, I’ve demonstrated a capacity to help organizations grow and improve their situation, notably in the education sector. My contacts and experience across the country will certainly prove to be helpful in building long-lasting business relations and help support our expansion.”

…for ambitious plans

Andrew, Mark, and Thierry bolster the 350+ employees and contractors at ITI. Their rich professional background adds to the expertise and the 1,400+ certifications that the company and our employees have achieved.

We are working with over 1,500 clients and our growth is such that ITI ranks in the prestigious Financial Times Americas’ Top 500 Fastest Growing Companies.

Thanks to the humans at the heart of our operations, and by hiring strategically, ITI is in an excellent position to tackle new markets and pursue its growth across Canada.

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