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The Remote Employee Experience

Just a year and a half ago, no one could have imagined that more than half of Quebec’s workforce would work from home.

Yet here we are. The switch happened fast, driven by health concerns and hastily carried out. The fact we could still be operational from home is a sign of our success. However, in a recent post we explained some security shortcuts many organizations took to focus on the essentials, namely the ability to maintain operations.

So, after months of remote work, things that had been shelved have come to the fore. Working from home and hybrid collaboration are here to stay. They are no longer temporary accommodations but permanent changes that are revolutionizing the employer–employee dynamic.

More than ever, managers must attend to the employee experience.

Remote work: a double-edged sword

Remote working employees managed to adapt quickly, create work spaces at home, and learn to balance work and family. The success of this huge undertaking is measurable and tangible. In addition, according to a recent study, almost three-quarters of them want flexible telecommuting options to remain in place.

So is everything OK? Not quite! There’s a flip side to this coin and challenges that aren’t often talked about.

According to a recent survey by the Canadian Federation of Independent Business, only 9% of business leaders say they’ve seen an increase in productivity, while 34% have seen a decrease not only in performance but also in morale.

The reality of telecommuting employees

So what’s wrong and, more importantly, how can businesses overcome these challenges?

We’ve spoken to employees who end up working more slowly due to obsolete equipment or because they can’t find their files on a server. Some who connect from a slow residential network can’t take part in video conferences, while others find that their applications regularly freeze. To compensate for these disruptions and all the loss of focus and lost time, some employees report that they work an hour or more extra each day.

The effect on morale and productivity is undeniable. And that’s not counting the cybersecurity vulnerabilities created by employees who work using personal devices or on unsecured home networks.

In other words, there’s more to successful teleworking than simply being able to connect remotely. Everything must be as efficient as possible with the equipment, mobility, and flexibility needed for a seamless work experience.

Otherwise there could be a huge price to pay.

Hiring and retaining talent

Giving employees everything they need to work efficiently is a given. But it’s all the more important when skilled labour is in high demand and competition is fierce.

According to a Microsoft study, 40% of the worldwide labour force intends to quit their jobs this year, while Gartner predicts that less than a third of employees will choose to work in company offices by 2023. Employers who don’t keep pace may pay a price in terms of productivity and employee retention.

Organizations can no longer rely solely on modern designer office space to attract workers. Companies must now be creative in communicating their culture as well as welcoming and supporting newcomers. Various remote team collaboration tools play a crucial role in employee feelings of belonging and engagement.

So when it comes to the quality of the equipment you provide to employees, don’t cut corners. This is one way you can make a real difference and have a positive impact on their lives.

No more excuses with DaaS

During an economic slowdown, not all businesses have the capital to update their IT assets and invest in new technologies. But there are solutions.

The DaaS procurement model lets you equip employees with state-of-the-art hardware and to configure it to their specific needs.  It’s an accessible and flexible way to quickly deal with productivity and morale issues by getting new equipment without the capital outlay,

More than ever before, IT is driving business growth. The devices we work with as employees are an increasing part of how successful we are. Providing a better experience to your employees will grow your organization and maximize your profit.

Reshape Your Remote Work Reality

How can you offer your teams an optimized work experience in this context? How can you make sure your teams have everything they need to deliver?

Designed for business, optimized for mobility, the Lenovo ThinkPad series help you leverage remote work to become more competitive, increase productivity, and attract top talents.

Five Ways to Boost Your Productivity

There’s a solution that has all your favourite productivity apps, and also helps you stay connected with your team so you can make headway on your projects from the peace and quiet of your home.

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