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Cloud Infrastructure

Adopting and mastering cloud computing is a complex task that can seem rather complex. But the cloud is now a necessity and successful migration can make your organization more competitive and productive.

Given the current shortage of qualified workers, how can you get the most out of your cloud environments, while complying with best governance and cyber security practices?

Or how should you start the transition to cloud computing and choose between the many platforms and suppliers available?

The answers to these questions are intimately tied to your business model and your particular reality.

Costly risks

To adapt to a new hybrid work environment, many businesses rushed to the cloud. However, the lack of analysis and planning left them facing unexpected challenges. Some of the most frequently mentioned are:

  • Services that are activated and billed but not used;
  • Lack of visibility on or trouble understanding costs;
  • Major, long-term impacts of initial choices;
  • Failure to manage permissions, leading to unorchestrated deployments;
  • Lack of governance and uniformity;
  • Overly complicated network administration.

To be successful, each cloud deployment should be configured and orchestrated based on your company’s specific needs. Our experience with numerous other businesses has allowed us to put a clear process in place for assisting our clients with their cloud computing projects.

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For successful cloud migration →

Risks of a rushed cloud adoption

A proven migration methodology

ITI’s methodology is based on Microsoft’s Cloud Adoption Framework. It allows your business to plan and carry out your migration at a manageable pace and reap the rewards right away. The disruption and downtimes are kept to a minimum, allowing you to stayed focused on your mission.

As your Expert Advisors, our role is not limited to migrating your data. We provide you with comprehensive support and guidance, from start to finish, to establish a long-term relation. Our seasoned teams take a consultative, collaborative approach using best cloud computing practices.


Ongoing guidance

Our experts are there to support you early in the project and on an ongoing basis to optimize your cloud environments. This personalized support helps ensure the success of each phase of this iterative process.

We hold meetings and workshops with your teams to get an accurate picture of your current situation and the technologies you are already using. We talk to your technical teams and help you personalize a cloud environment to meet your business needs and goals.

Ongoing Cloud Support

Analysis and strategy

To get your project off on the right foot, we first look at your cloud computing vision. Our certified experts take the time to fully understand your situation so they can properly guide your project. They consider your current projects and your teams’ cloud computing experience to accelerate your transition. Depending on how far along you are, we offer different types of work sessions to guide your project and accelerate your cloud adoption.

Discover the steps →

analysis and strategy

Transformation and migration

Your workloads, services, data, and applications are migrated to the landing zone in the right order to lay the foundation for your cloud presence. You take control at your own pace and start on a solid foundation.

Discover the steps →

transformation and migration

Optimization and governance

Migration is not an end in itself, but rather the beginning of an ongoing development process. ITI remains at your side to optimize your cloud environments and develop them according to your needs.

Discover the steps →

optimization and governance

How to become a data-driven organization

Make Business Intelligence (BI) and Analytics an integral part of your transformation strategy and journey to cloud. ITI works with you to identify the best strategic opportunities to leverage your data and build a BI and Analytics practice that transforms your business with purpose. 

What is a landing zone?

A landing zone is an environment that has been provisioned and prepared to host workloads based on your specific requirements. It is the final deliverable of any iteration of Microsoft’s Cloud Adoption Framework (CAF) methodology.

Much more than a resource structure, the landing zone specifies how the environment will be managed by establishing the basis of your governance. It also determines various permissions, nomenclature, data structure, security rules, and a variety of other considerations.

ITI designs and personalizes your landing zone in close collaboration with you. Rather than delivering an out-of-the-box environment, we only activate the services and resources that the company actually needs. The risks of unexpected costs and security breaches are substantially lowered.

We leverage the cloud with both feet on the ground

  • More than 250 migrations completed
    ITI has completed numerous cloud migration projects in the private, public, and government sectors.
  • Microsoft CSP Partner of the Year
    ITI was recently recognized by Microsoft for its success in deploying modern cloud-based work environments. As a CSP partner, ITI can also support your current licences and ensure their seamless migration.
  • Top-level cloud certifications
    Our multidisciplinary team of cloud professionals and solution architects has achieved the highest levels of Azure and Microsoft certification.
  • Combined expertise in cloud and onsite infrastructure
    More often than not, the recommended technology approach is a hybrid infrastructure. With ITI, you benefit from our experts’ combined expertise in cloud and on-premise infrastructure.
  • Strategic support from start to finish and beyond
    Our experts are on hand not only for the migration itself, but also to help you plan it and support you once your cloud environments are deployed.
  • Migrating with complete peace of mind
    ITI’s support helps you avoid common pitfalls, prevent costly mistakes, and avoid deploying and paying for services you don’t need.

A proven track record

ITI is a long-standing Microsoft partner and we have fully embraced the Microsoft Cloud Partner Program (MCPP). Microsoft launched MCPP in October 2022 to recognize not only the technical capabilities of its partners, but also their success in deploying its solutions. With dozens of qualifying projects to its credit and some 50 Microsoft certifications, ITI has earned the Solutions Partner designation in 4 of the 6 areas.

• Business Applications
• Data and Artificial Intelligence
• Azure Infrastructure
• Modern Work

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