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Infrastructure migration at Mallette

In collaboration with ITI, Mallette has successfully completed the migration and consolidation of its IT infrastructure on new equipment to take advantage of hybrid cloud and virtualization technologies.

The Background

Mallette is one of the top 10 chartered professional accounting firms in Canada. Operating without a head office, its activities are distributed through regional and provincial joint work committees that depend on information technology to ensure remote collaboration.

However, in four of its data centres, the aging infrastructure was negatively impacting employees’ ability to work efficiently. The Mallette IT team decided to consolidate and migrate this infrastructure into a new data centre and onto new equipment to capitalize on the benefits afforded by the cloud.


The Challenges

Mallette set a target for completing its resource and data migration within three to four months. But the project was too big for the small in-house IT team to handle on its own.

Challenges like this are faced by many organizations. It’s normal for companies to want to continue to grow and deliver projects, products and services. But aging infrastructure, the consolidation of multiple environments, labour shortages, and difficulties recruiting specialists all too often result in IT teams being overworked.


The Solution

Mallette turned to ITI, their technology consulting service provider, to address the shortage of resources, but even more importantly to benefit from their specialized expertise and extensive experience. ITI has high-level certifications from industry leaders for both physical data centres and cloud infrastructure, making it a partner of choice for a successful migration.

Working in collaboration with Mallette’s in-house IT team, ITI carried out a comprehensive analysis of the company’s needs, building on the fact that user tools were almost entirely based on application virtualization, and accelerating the deployment already underway for some cloud applications.


The recent changes in our infrastructure have left us in a strong position for dealing with the COVID-19 crisis.

Martin Harvey, IT DIrector at Mallette

Virtualization & its Benefits

  • More Mobility
    Rather than having to wait for a technician to come around in the event of a problem, virtualization allows for instant switching from one environment to another, so that the users can continue working no matter where they are.
  • Incresed Security
    In addition to the username and password, two- or even three-factor authentication systems can be used to secure access to your resources.
  • Enhanced Performance
    Virtualization provides an optimal and standardized user experience, even for platforms like Teams, without the inconvenience of VPN or remote desktop connection latency.
  • High Availability
    All workstation updates are deployed centrally, reducing delays and service disruptions.
  • Streamlined Administration
    Tools that provide an overview and unified control on all company devices make it easier for administrators to manage their IT infrastructure.


Mallette is well established in Quebec, with over 1,000 employees in 30 offices specializing in various areas of expertise, including certification, taxation, advisory services, actuarial services, and bankruptcy trustee and management services.

Take another look at the interview with Mallette

As part of a Parlons TI event hosted by ITI, Planète Techno columnist Pascal Forget interviews Martin Harvey, IT Director at Mallette, and Sébastien Sollazzo, Senior Director, Technological Expertise Development at ITI.

Les impacts positifs de la virtualisation →
(in French only)

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