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When IT = savings

It’s hard enough for businesses to operate in these unstable times. But on top of the economic climate, you’ve got other challenges, like teams that want to be more mobile, growing IT needs, and an increasing shortage of IT workers. How do you optimize operations without compromising your cash flow?

You may not be a network administrator or systems architect. But as a manager, you can’t ignore the fact that your IT needs have changed, and that you have important decisions to make.

If you’d rather invest in projects that add value instead of systems destined for obsolescence, here are four good reasons to consider ITI Orkestra, a fully managed cloud infrastructure solution delivered as a service.

1. No initial outlay

Tough economic times are tough on cash flows. But to stay operational, adapt to a remote work situation, and meet your teams’ needs, you may need to upgrade your IT infrastructure. So what do you do? Where does the money come from? And how do you convince your financial partners or board that an investment of this scale is necessary in the current context?

That’s where ITI Orkestra comes in. As a cloud-based solution, Orkestra requires no major investment upfront, leaving you free to pursue your business goals without jeopardizing your financial health.

Our team will handle every step of the migration to your new custom-designed, fully managed SOC2 Type II certified cloud environment, making it much easier for you to make your IT budget forecasts, which essentially boil down to one monthly payment.

2. Cost savings

The IT industry is in the middle of a major labour crunch. Finding qualified system administrators and specialists to maintain your infrastructure can be difficult—and costly. There are headhunter fees and hiring bonuses to consider, wage inflation driven by the tight labour market, and the risk of having to start the whole process over again if a valuable employee leaves to pursue opportunities elsewhere.

The ITI Orkestra solution eliminates the need to hire additional resources to manage your IT. With a single, predictable monthly payment, you secure the support of a multidisciplinary team that’s available round the clock to maintain and optimize your technology environment and operations.

The result? Simpler cash flow management, lower operating costs, reliable IT that meets your needs, and the freedom to direct your investments to mission-critical targets.

3. Reduced operational risks

Risk management is crucial in uncertain times. As an entrepreneur or business executive, you know just how costly an outage, fraud, security breach, or loss of a key employee can be.

ITI Orkestra helps you cut through the fog and uncertainty surrounding these risks with its proactive management approach and service-based model. Our certified technical experts closely monitor your cloud environment. If an incident occurs, they move quickly to identify, manage, and contain the security breach. Orkestra’s cloud infrastructure guarantees 99.99% availability, one of the highest ratings in the industry

By removing much of the uncertainty from your technology equation, ITI Orkestra lets you manage your business with confidence and take advantage of robust, proven, and redundant technologies that reduce your risk exposure. It allows you to plan and budget for the long term, and can even make it easier for you to secure financing by providing clarity as to the status of your technology environment.

4. Better return on investment

Designing and acquiring IT infrastructure requires a thorough cost analysis and accurate forecasting of your needs over the life of the equipment. Every dollar counts, but you also have to allow sufficient room for growth. So how do you strike the right balance?

With Orkestra, you can achieve this without the risk of over-provisioning, while still retaining the flexibility you need to adjust capacity as your requirements change over time. Our solution architects deliver a cloud infrastructure designed to accommodate peak demand. At the same time, you’re secure in the knowledge that additional resources can be deployed quickly as your organization grows.

This is a major advantage over what you get when you invest in conventional infrastructure. A conventional approach requires you to build in “buffer capacity” that may be obsolete before you even use it. Orkestra is designed to eliminate the need for inefficient over-provisioning so that your investment only covers what you really need, thereby maximizing the impact of every dollar you spend.

Up to date and up to speed

By opting for ITI Orkestra, you save yourself the expense of a big initial outlay and optimize your cash flow. You don’t have to add full-time staff dedicated to maintaining your infrastructure or purchase unnecessary equipment for your future needs. And you can take the money you save and invest it in value-added projects and productivity enhancements, while leaving your IT management to the experts.

ITI Orkestra is a catalyst for growth that allows your company to modernize while freeing up capital you can use to improve your production line, organize a trade mission abroad, invest in your sales team, and more.

Better yet, you minimize the financial risks due to equipment failure, cyberattacks, or changing needs that outstrip the capacity of your infrastructure, allowing you to manage your business with peace of mind.

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