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Large Enterprise

IT executives must meet present business needs and plan for the future, a double task that is difficult to accomplish daily.

Achieving business objectives in a changing and innovative environment

79% of Quebec business leaders believe that digital will be a major challenge for their organization over the next five years.*

Your business needs are the foundation of our work. We begin to understand your realities by listening and discussing, and then bring technology back into the equation.

With our tailor-made solutions, we offer several ways to keep your data secure. With mobility having become a hot topic, we can facilitate the ability of your employees to work from anywhere. With virtualized and cloud computing environments, we simplify and modernize work structures, both in terms of growth fluctuations and in terms of resource usage. Automation, networking and data storage are areas of expertise that we master, and for which we have excellent supply connections with our manufacturers.

Above all, we are the extension of your IT service. We help you prioritize budgets and efforts, maintain your current environment, even if it remains mixed, non-standardized or complex to manage. We support you in assessing growing needs in relation to your budget and we develop, in collaboration with your teams, new business line support services for the development of new offers. Our ability to understand, advise and concretize your needs allows you to choose the best solutions, to achieve your objectives, and to achieve a faster return on investment.

* According to surveys carried out by Léger Marketing on behalf of Quebec International, in concert with the Coalition Force 4.0.

In the aftermath of the COVID-19 crisis, our IT department had to quickly transfer everyone to remote working. ITI has helped us in terms of performance, ergonomics and data security.

corporatif industries

What we offer to large enterprises

  • Price negotiation with manufacturing partners
  • Simplification of environments to increase the robustness of infrastructures
  • Improved performance and user experience
  • Ability to work with a smaller, more versatile team
  • Realization of projects in less time, and with more agility

ITI experts answer your questions
How can IT support organizational performance?

The digital transformation of an enterprise is an opportunity to sustain and boost its performance. It improves production processes, customer experience, sales and overall performance, while also slipstreaming internal operations.

To achieve a successful digital transformation, it is necessary to evaluate the flexibility, the scalability, and the maturity of your actual systems in order to determine their capacity to evolve. ITI experts can help you throughout this process by first clarifying your needs and then determining whether the project consists of the transformation or of the adaptation of your existing systems.

How can IT help us build sustainable systems?

With the assistance of IT experts, you will be able to identify your needs and deploy sustainable solutions tailored to your situation.

They will help you leverage open and flexible systems that can adapt to your current and future needs. These various systems must also be highly composable, interconnectable, and act as one to meet your global needs.

Besides, by adopting a DaaS delivery model, your IT systems stop being a financial burden and instead transform into a service that supports the growth of your company, while also offering more financial flexibility to invest in value-added initiatives.

How can IT make system management more agile?

Agility is a crucial concept. And it is more accessible than ever before.

Thanks to automation and the integration between systems, IT have become simpler and more democratic. Management is facilitated by modern tools that don’t depend on developers or programmers anymore, and that don’t add prohibitive costs and delay when you attempt to link your needs to the appropriate technology.

The cloud exemplifies this agility. It dematerializes your IT, making them more flexible, more agile, and simpler. It makes your teams more mobile and your systems more accessible.

The first step in achieving this is to collaborate with IT experts who will assist you in modernizing your workspace, and in deploying the right tools to enable a more agile management of your systems.

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