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A well-orchestrated performance

Information technology is now an integral part of every business strategy. So you expect high-performance IT that does what you need it to do. But given the tempo of IT evolution, how can you stay ahead of the pack and provide the best possible experience for your teams?

Companies in the past turned over or at least updated their IT at regular intervals. It’s far from cheap, but that’s what it takes to keep performance standards up to the level you need.

Throw in licences and subscriptions for software, staff to keep your IT up and running, not to mention failures, crashes, and other bolts out of the blue.

The upshot is that IT is getting more complex and demanding all the time. It takes qualified workers to manage and optimize it all, which ties up resources that otherwise would be focusing on what your organization does best.

Introducing ITI Orkestra: a paradigm-shifting solution that will completely redefine your relationship with IT and deliver the performance you were looking for all along.

A solution that’s cutting edge by nature

ITI Orkestra is a 100% cloud-based infrastructure, delivered as a managed service.  The very fact it is deployed in the cloud and runs on the most advanced equipment means superior performance for you. There are none of the bottlenecks found in traditional network infrastructure.

The bottom line is that applications run faster and there are resources in place to operate and maintain even the most demanding software.

And since your files are centralized in a single environment, Orkestra provides instant access to your data, wherever you are. The Microsoft 365–based working hub makes collaboration a breeze by preventing slowdowns while making it easy to talk, update, and share multiple files.

That kind of performance normally involves hefty outlays for onsite data-centre setup and maintenance but is now affordable thanks to Orkestra.

Availability and efficiency guaranteed

ITI Orkestra is managed proactively. Our team works in advance, projecting peaks in usage and making course corrections along the way so you don’t even have to think about IT. We don’t wait for problems to happen—we continually improve the quality of the service you get. Proactive maintenance of course makes your data more secure but it also makes your teams more productive.

ITI Orkestra’s cloud computing environment:

  • is certified ISO 27001;
  • meets the SOC 2 Type II standard;
  • offers 99.99999% availability and;
  • is monitored at all times.

In other words, we guarantee less than five minutes of down time per year. If a problem occurs, our teams are standing by to act quickly and support your environment under the terms of your SLOs.

A human experience

That incomparable service is combined with the familiar Microsoft experience. Inside the ITI Orkestra solution are Microsoft 365 tools. They clear the way for your teams to work and collaborate transparently, even remotely. That was an essential at the height of the pandemic, but the combination will make your organization more resilient, year in, year out.

Microsoft 365 also helps you manage your users and devices. Centralized management tools, combined with InTune and Azure AD, provide a complete overview and all the control you need. You can even deploy devices through Zero Touch technology and speed up the onboarding of new hires.

ITI Orkestra makes managers and their teams more efficient and productive. It frees IT administrators from concerns and redundant tasks so they can focus on value-added projects. It gives your organization the opportunity to focus on what it really does and makes you more competitive.

But most of all, ITI Orkestra provides a resolutely human experience.

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