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Noémi G. Labelle

Vice-President — Human Resources and Marketing

5 years at ITI Build welcome Connect

Noémi is a natural-born coach. Her ambition is to build a solid brand, culture and team, as she looks beyond results to focus on human development.

Why did you choose to work in IT?

Thanks to my colleagues, for sure! I had the opportunity to consult for ITI, when I was self-employed. From our first meetings, I realized the management team was very accessible and I felt a great sense of belonging. They have a vision and the means to achieve their ambitions, which is really appealing for someone like me who likes to build!

What’s it like to work in a male-dominated industry?

I’ve never thought of my situation in terms of gender. By leading the Human Resources and Marketing departments, I’m already a fox in the henhouse. I’m used to defending my points of view because I see challenges and solutions in a different way.

Let’s take diversity and inclusion, for instance. I believe the goal is not just parity, but also to create a culture that is truly accepting of differences. When that happens, parity comes naturally. We have to trust our emotional maturity and human intelligence, to realize that the more different perspectives we have, the more our results will be innovative and successful over the long term. Our employees and leaders already have this openness. It’s in ITI’s DNA; it’s one of our strengths. I feel like I’m part of the team and I’m at home here.

We have to trust our emotional maturity and human intelligence, to realize that the more different perspectives we have, the more our results will be innovative and successful over the long term. Our employees and leaders already have this openness. It’s in ITI’s DNA; it’s one of our strengths.

What are you passionate about in life?

Connecting with nature, enjoying the great outdoors. Going into the woods gives me a new perspective. It lets me disconnect from the hectic pace of daily life and get back to what’s essential. I’m also quite athletic. I like the outdoors and endurance sports that allow me to surpass myself.

Which of ITI’s four values represent you best?

I would say commitment. I really like this human quality. I quickly felt that people’s skill sets are respected at ITI. And I admire people who have lots of interpersonal agility. It creates a harmonious culture, constructive debates, creativity, and results that speak for themselves. It’s a big strength.

How would you describe ITI to a new talent who wants to join the team?

ITI is the gold standard for IT in Quebec, and the company is still growing. We work on large-scale projects for major clients who want to grow with us for years to come.

ITI offers numerous opportunities to develop and accelerate your career. It’s a warm family made up of happy people who are passionate about growth and success, while fostering human-focused relationships.

ITI offers numerous opportunities to develop and accelerate your career. It’s a warm family made up of happy people who are passionate about growth and success, while fostering human-focused relationships.

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